Friday, July 30, 2010

Dry July

Just one day remains in July and we've received just 0.8 mm of rain this month, easily the driest I've ever experienced. Today was another great day with a high of 27°C under sunny skies but clouds are expected to move in tomorrow with a 40% chance of thunderstorms.

June Month in Review

Overall June was a gloomy month with just 3 days of sunny or mostly sunny days. Although we had 93.2 mm of rain, half of that came the 2nd (27.6 mm) and on the 9th (20 mm). So most of the month consisted of mostly cloudy skies, overall not that bad.

We were 2.1°C below normal for a daytime high but slightly above normal for the overnight low because of all the cloud cover we had.

Monthly Averages
Avg. High: 18.9°C
Avg. Low: 11.4°C
Rainfall (mm): 93.2
Monthly Extremes
High: 26°C
Low: 8°C

Friday, July 9, 2010

Another Hot One!

Thursday was the second consecutive day at 34°C but again the humidity was low. The morning low was 16°C at the farm but into the city the temperature only bottomed out at 18°C to 19°C.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


The temperature got higher than forecast as we hit 34°C late this afternoon under clear skies. If there is something positive about this is that the humidity was down to a low 23% this afternoon making it slightly more bearable, I suppose. Another 34°C day is expected tomorrow but after that it should cool slightly into the low 30's to high 20's.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hot Weather on the Way

July has started out like June finished, mostly cloudy but with very little rainfall. For those who love the heat (me not being one of them) smokin' hot weather is on the way with temperatures expected to hit 32 to 33 degrees from Wednesday to Saturday. Talk about one extreme to the next! After tomorrow we expect clear skies and should remain sunny for the rest of the week.

High: 17°C
Low: 13°C