Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hot September

After a cloudy and cooler July, August was amazing but it seems that September is bringing the real summer weather with high temperatures forecast to be in the low 30's until Sunday.  

Today we had our hottest temperature of the year as we topped out at 31.3C well above our normal of 21C.  Skies have been clear for the month with the exception of the 1st.  

Our stats for the month so far:
1st - High: 20 Low: 12
2nd - High: 21 Low: 12
3rd - High: 28 Low: 11
4th - High: 30 Low: 13
5th - High: 28 Low: 14
6th - High: 30 Low: 13
7th - High: 31 Low: 13

Our only precipitation for the month was on the 1st when we received a trace of rain.