Monday, August 30, 2010

Last nice day

Today was a perfect day with a high of 22°C after a morning low 11°C. It was mostly sunny with enough wind to keep it comfortable. Clouds have already moved in this evening and we are expecting rain to begin sometime after midnight and continuing throughout the day on Tuesday with a high of 15°C. Wednesday looks much the same with highs of 14°C and periods of rain. Thursday is expected to be above 20°C with a good chance of showers but then skies clear out and Friday looks great with highs of 25°C.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


Today was mainly sunny with some clouds but no precipitation like the previous two days. We seen a high of 23°C after a cool morning low of 9°C, our coldest since July 6.

Thursday and Friday we received 8.6 mm of rain bringing the monthly total to 17.4 mm. Both days also had some sun mixed in making for very pleasant days with highs of 19-21°C.

Heat Wave Stats for August 13-17
August 13 - High 33°C Low 14°C
August 14 - High 35°C Low 18°C
August 15 - High 35°C Low 19°C
August 16 - High 33°C Low 19°C
August 17 - High 33°C Low 16°C

Luckily during the heat wave of a couple of weeks ago the humidity was lower. It did get as low as 22%.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Well, we finally got some rain on Saturday. It was just 5.4 mm but it sure helped to clean the air. Sunday was another cloudy day with some brief light showers and today we got some more afternoon showers bringing 2 mm of rain and a high of 19°C.

Tomorrow's forecast calls for a chance of showers and 20°C then a mix of sun and clouds on Wednesday with a high of 25°C. After that it looks like sunny skies and highs near 30°C.

High: 19°C
Low: 16°C
Rain: 2 mm

High: 22°C
Low: 16°C
Rain: 0.8 mm

High: 18°C
Low: 17°C
Rain: 5.4 mm

Friday, August 6, 2010

Weather For the Month July

July was the driest month I've ever experienced anywhere as we received just 0.8 mm of rain. Normally Chilliwack gets around 54 mm of rain for the entire month of July. As for daytime high temperatures we were nearly 1 degree above normal at 25.3°C. We only had 3 days over 30°C, those came on the 7th, 8th and 9th where we had temperatures of 34°C, 34°C and 32°C respectively. Other than that the month was comfortable with highs for the most part hitting the mid 20's with lots of sunshine.

Monthly Stats
High: 25.3°C
Low: 13.7°C
Rain: 0.8 mm
Extreme High: 34°C (twice)
Extreme Low: 9°C (twice)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We finally seen our first summer thunderstorm this year but unfortunately it only brought a trace of precipitation. There was some thunder in the morning and also mid-afternoon with the temperature reaching 24°C after a mild overnight low of 16°C. Environment Canada is forecasting a 60% chance of showers with the risk of more thunderstorms along with an expected high of 29°C tomorrow.